The School of “Self-Applied” Prevention
This website is a result of the number 108 twenty five years ago and as alive today as it was then!
The number 108 is one of the most used mathematical numbers in human history. Once a person starts seeing the number 108, then people start deliberately using the number in manufacturing and choice of choosing numbers. Early history suggest Monks would carve 108 steps in stone on a mountain side and then build their Temple. When searching the internet There is endless information about the number 108 used asthmatically with something as simple as the American baseball they chose to have 108 stitches in the leather cover. Once the number 108 appears in a person’s life, ideally they like / see that number the rest of their life.
25 years ago while doing Amish Seminars the people would be over loaded and they would ask questions for weeks afterwards. I decided to type up a paper and call it a seminar on paper and give to each person and as well use it as a guide for the seminar and this “ended” all the questions. I originally wanted this booklet to be 100 pages or less. When I was finished it was 108 pages I read it and wanted to reduce the number of pages and just could not, so I left it at 108 pages. This was a few months prior to making this website and on the we offered this free booklet to anyone that wanted it. At that time I had no clue that anyone out of country would ask for such a thing and was surprised people in the Far East, especially India. Besides the printing cost, it was costing $8+ to ship the booklet. A person suggested that I create a website and supply the booklet as a pdf for free and end the shipping expenses. Eventually I learned how to make this website and make a word file into a pdf back then. I eventually asked these people “Why” would you want this booklet? They explained because it was 108 pages, about health and Free! They said the number 108 to them represented “1” as 1 with God. “0” as free and “8” as the frequency of the earth. Otherwise we ignored this, but we then started noticing the number 108 in daily life- so much that the subject could not be avoided and soon we were deliberately using the number 108. Then we noticed the number 108 seemed to Rub-Off on various customers, which just all seemed to weird at the time.
I started searching the subject 108 around the world on the internet and found many “theories” about the number. The number appeared to be a “Live” Number, something explainable. History proves this has happened to others world wide since the beginning of time. One man, a Dr. that was married to a Chinese woman, e-mailed me and said the number 108 is well known in Chinese Medicine as a Spiritual Number used by beings in deep space that use the number 108 as a guidance number on earth. He said he would stop by and explain it in detail when he was traveling through the USA, but I never heard from him again.
The 108 My Way 1 was originally called Seminar on Paper
I eventually made My Way II and My Way III, but The Seminar on Paper was the Very First newsletter / booklet I had ever typed and since then I have typed books and endless newsletters and papers about herbs and health.
To be continued 2025