(2) Scurvy

The School of “Self-Applied” Prevention

Educational Purposes Only!

Free – Thinking Adults Only!

“Self-Experimental” Use Only!


This will be the greatest Educational Page once finished!


The Foundational cause of premature aging and human death!

First a family has to clean up their entire water supply!

No one can expect an herb, a supplement, drug or operation to undo 1/3 to 1/2 gallon of dirty water consumption every day!

The water page will explain in detail, the first step to living healthy!

The “C” Word! (read)

Note, custom made herbal tinctures, tincture syrups, sprays, lotions, salves, powders, capsules

are extremely “Limited”, so rare that they are only made as needed. Always subject to change for the better!

No books exist on custom made formulas. Often only a handful of people ever try such formulas. They are that “rare’!

If a formula became popular, then it is made in larger quantities, otherwise 90+% are never tried by the public even by 1 person.

All “Longevity” formulas on this website are extremely rare for 1 reason, Longevity Formulas are always created to be taken every day! Public never like taking herbal formulas every day for several reasons, cost and taste!

All great herbs are held in the mouth until the taste fades and then swallow. This formula especially! This formula seeks to raise the Nitric Oxide quality of the saliva. That and this formula is ideally taken 3x every day, makes it an expensive method. In short, these types of formulas are Top Shelf, often with plentiful Royal Jelly and rare herbs fit for the most “Special” people into herbal supplementation. Even more so is the idea that True Herbal Methods should be used daily from conception through out a lifetime. Those that want to obtain 1 bottle and last for months or set on a shelf and stair at it (collectors) will never buy twice. Only formulas that are desired, will be made twice and many GREAT Formulas are never made twice! They just keep “evolving” over time. The greatest mistake all people make is not obtaining lifetime supplies of what they discover they want for life–always, such products go up in price yearly and far worse is the fact, they almost always become obsolete! Many great herbs available 10 years ago are no longer sold and must be found in nature. Lower Bowel Balance is 1 such formula, those that obtained a lifetime supply 25 years ago (none) would have saved allot of $$ and such a formula is rarely available for more than 100 people on earth and those that use it, would never want to be with out it.

This is an “Extremely” Rare Blend of herbs.  I should have made this formula first; 30 years ago, but just recently did I understand the full picture! Today I want to take these herbs daily for life!2oz dropper

“C” Tincture

The “C” Tincture (2 oz dropper) Is “C” Rich Berries / Fruits

Ingredients: Sea Buckthorn Berry, Black Currant Berry, Elderberry, Rosehip Berry, Black Berry, Wild Turmeric Rt., Camu Camu Berry, Acerola Cherry, Wolf Berry, Adansonia Fruit, Kakado Plum, Grape Seed / Skin, Amla, Noni, Pomegranate, Wild Blue Berry, Hand Made Fruit Vinegars, Grain Alcohol, Cold Processed Wild Oregano Oil

2oz-dropper / 4oz dropper or squirt / 8oz glass bottle with pour spout or an 8oz squirt

Tinctures are taken by drops or droppers by Adults.

Parents decide, based on their self-experiences with herbal tinctures!

Suggested Use? Can be used on skin as an Herbal Spray properly made or into a “Facial” Luxury Skin formula.

Internally,  new herbs, you start slow–a drop or 2 in mouth and allow taste to fade away and then swallow with saliva.

Once you know the herbs are no problem, then the adult decides their daily dosage. With Vitamin C rich Herbs, the suggested 3X daily seems most Ideal! This could be in-between or with meals, each person decides what they like.

8oz Squirt Glass Bottle

“C” Elixir

The “C” Elixir is Syrup / Tincture and much more!

4oz squirt / dropper glass / 16oz plastic amber

Ingredients: Sea Buckthorn Berry, Black Currant Berry, Elderberry, Rosehip Berry, Black Berry, Wild Turmeric Rt., Camu Camu Berry, Acerola Cherry, Wolf Berry, Adansonia Fruit, Kakado Plum, Grape Seed / Skin, Amla, Noni, Pomegranate, Wild Blue Berry, Raw Honey, Sorghum Molasses, Olive Leaf, Maple Syrup, Hand Made Fruit Vinegars, Grain Alcohol, Cold Processed Wild Oregano Oil

This is a Vitamin “C” Rich blend with Royal Jelly and Tree / Herb Mineral Rich

Unlike Tinctures, this formula does not taste bad and suitable for all ages!

This is an exotic blend of the best of the best–what I call Top Shelf, Fit for a King!

Ideally: 1-3 ounces daily of these type herbs, daily for life!

I use the same type herbs in making Herbal tea that I drink every day as my only drink, unless I have a good quality raw orange juice!

I have made steam distilled water since 1990 and use that clean water to make herbal teas for daily drink.

The Idea of Longevity Formulas is Lifetime Prevention and that normally means they are dosage related and only each person decides what that daily dosage is and what other herbs are desired. Most all large Elixir type herbal blends could have any herb “added”, but some herbs can have a powerful taste and not suitable for little ones, so each blend, has its purpose!

The “First” Vitamin C rich herbal blend:

Example: “JOY”

Joy was made for a newborn baby!

Mom needs Vitamin “C” Elixir Daily and Baby can have “Joy” daily as desired!

WHY? That is the golden question!

Dr. Cass Ingram wrote that a baby conceived with Royal Jelly and given Royal Jelly every day for life—should be born healthy, never be sickly, be the smartest and strongest child in school and best of all, 1 of the prettiest! I know this can be done with no Royal Jelly and No Vitamin “C” rich herbs in the diet every day–so with these types blends, I am expecting far superior results than even Dr. Cass wrote about in his 30 books! Dr. Cass was a huge believer in Natural Vitamin C and Royal Jelly and this formula is dedicated to his books, but it was a 400 page cancer book that enabled me to become a “Believer” to the point of making a full blown “Elixir” fit for a king or in this instance, a princess. Children that never experience an illness, never see a white coat after birth, never take a pill or a shot or have mental or physical issues and understand adulthood automatically–proves to me that:

Prevention is Worth a Pound of Cure! (read)

more to come 2025