The School of “Self-Applied” Prevention
Educational Purposes Only!
Free – Thinking Adults Only!
“Self-Experimental” Use Only!
The “Heart”
Billy is still alive, a very very poor man living on social security!
He has experienced “more” than most any man has and lived to tell his story!
He loves to drive to Florida in the winter months, but has been too broke to; for some years now.
Since age 17, when he was dead on a slab in the morgue and stood up with no heart
Scared the surgeons 1/2 to death!
He has not feared death ever again!
That was the second time he was dead!
His 3rd time he was told the same message again!
He has outlived 2 sets of heart doctors!
He has the most unique heart on earth!
When they put it back in his body after he was dead
They put it in upside down and backwards!
They said their experiments on his heart made it so his arteries turned “Jelly” like.
The surgeons said there was no way a man could “connect” the heart back to the body!
They were correct!
They said it would be a “Miracle” if he could walk out of the hospital!
He worked construction / mechanical jobs for 50 years!
He outlived every white coat that killed the 49 child heart patients!
His pig valve installed in 1962, they say is as healthy as the day they put it in!
World record holder for a live pig valve!
Proof no one dies before it is their time!
The only child to survive a 50 child “SECRET” heart experiment!
The other 49 died on the table, he was suppose to!
The Angel that processes you after your dead- told Billy 3x, it is not your time!
Heart health is surely the largest cash cow ever created!
The greatest M.D. in Germany dealt with 10,000+ heart attacks at his hospital yearly; he learned to give the victims Pineapple! Injected into the heart attack victim and he wrote that it resulted in less than 10 deaths. He was so happy he notified the americans and was astounded when they said we have no interest. Dr. Hans Nieper, M.D. went on to write that nothing of “Value” had been discovered after 1900.
Dr. Robert Jackson, M.D. (my favorite author) watched his dad, mother, brothers, sisters all die from alcoholism and smoking. By age 60 his heart was enlarged, his blood pressure out of control and he was examined by the most experienced M.D. in the world and told he had an enlarged heart and nothing could save him. His friend Dr. Howard Hay, M.D. was a famous surgeon and developed Brights Disease and knew he could not be cured—long story short, he cured his disease in 14 days and his friend Dr. Robt Jackson cured himself in 21 days. Dr. Jackson had the x-rays to prove his heart was huge and his blood pressure over 200 and he believed he only had a couple days left to live…..his first book How to Always be Well explains how he had a “New” Heart in just 21 days! It changed his death and he soon turned his body into a super man body! He wrote many books.
Dr. Jackson, the greatest M.D. by “example” in history!
Dr. Robert Jackson M.D. went from an enlarged heart with 200 blood pressure and less than a few days left to live; to turning his body into a superman body that he often challenged anyone on earth to a competition of strength and endurance! His books are the best books ever printed. Needless to say, medical hated Dr. Hay and Dr. Jackson, they both wrote to never ever take a drug, needle or operation again.
Dr. Robt Jackson believed he had a brand new heart
in just 21 days and that was 100 years ago!
By 1950 there were over 1,000 known natural cures for cancer!
The cures all have something in common!
The “Best” current German Cancer Dr. explained it “simple”, all humans die as a result of “Scurvy”!
How Many Times have you went to the doctor / dentist and been told you suffer from “Scurvy”!
Every Poison in your body, increases your “Scurvy”!
Every synthetic vitamin / drug / jab / tooth filling increases your toxic accumulations!
Every “Real” dentist and M.D. will tell you that!
The Hans Nieper Pineapple method stopped the heart attack with Pineapple Enzyme / Vitamin “C”. The Jackson Method created a New Heart in just 21 days via Vitamin “C” and both methods treated “Scurvy”, it is that simple- all 1,000+ cancer cures by 1950’s all addressed “Scurvy”!
Since 1915 world wide pollution sky rocketed with World War 1, vaccines alone killed over a billion by world war 2. Good Drs said never allow a needle to enter your skin ever. Starting by 1949 they have sprayed the air daily with Aluminum and then by 1992 added Titanium Dioxide that weaponizes the air. The early medical cures for “Scurvy” became much harder once dentist appeared, medical appeared, wars created to depopulate the strong families on earth. Each and every poison, increases “Scurvy”! Every additional poison leads to increased “Scurvy” which leads to more and more Heart Failure and death by Cancers (Rot).
Why do people not die “equally”? Because they have all been “poisoned” to a different degree and some have more glands that can still produce hormones and some are believed to be capable of using what is called “Vitamin” C more sufficiently! Each generation suffers from the sins of their past 4+ generations! Handed down deficiencies from their relatives habits and diets. You are a result of their “good” choices or their “bad” choices and are born accordingly. You can not be born healthier than your mother, but if you live long enough, your wise choices can break the chain and your next generation be stronger!
The “List”
Top 3
that causes “Scurvy” Death!
1. Dirty Water
Since the first well was dug! Water “rock” minerals kills most humans on earth!
Treated Water even worse!
2. Weaponized Air
Pollution, Arial Spraying, Frequencies!
3. Heavy Metals
Lead, Mercury, Aluminum, Titanium Dioxide, “All” inorganic Metals!
Scurvy Pre-War was a simple fix, eat some lemons, oranges! The meat eaters, if they survived the winter, they ate everything green that sprouted up in the Spring! World War 1 did not end, can not end! Poisons are an industry world wide! Poisons became the weapons of choice by 1915. Scurvy the goal! Jesus called world war 1, The “Organized”! The last war.True Drs learned that every poison demands more Vitamin “C” to neutralize and repair the damage in the arteries. Every human eats them selves to an early death, via “Scurvy”! Every human a victim of war. Treatment by drugs / poisons is death “management”.
Poisons cause Scurvy, Scurvy causes that first dental decay by age 6.
The first dental decay by age 6 is not by accident!
It takes very wise parents,
so their children never ever see a dentist their entire lifetime!
Normally; people past age 50 refuse to remove the poisons in their teeth!
No one with dental poisons can consume enough Vitamin “C”
to prevent “Scurvy / Gangrene”.
Great dental books / dentist say
just 1 mercury filling is like rowing a boat with a hole in the floor.
Many great dental books
Advanced Cancers by Dr. Hulda Clark the most truthful!
Dr. John Johnson
New Albany, Ohio
The Best Dentist
My Teeth 1999
As a child my parents vaccinated us, we drank 2 of the 3 polio vaccines at the local school when I was around age 5, we did not drink the third polio vaccine; because a whistle blower said it causes cancers (The 1940’s African Polio Vaccines killed close to a billion Africans. As a result, I had all the diseases I was vaccinated with. In 5th grade, 2 nurses and cops entered the school and forced every child to be vaccinated in the left arm- no parents were told until after the fact. (Beware all of the “organized”. As a result; the local dentist filled my mouth with mercury fillings! I lived on a farm, we went to a grocery store maybe twice a year. We raised all our own foods, no GMO or fertilizers back in those days–what people today would call “organic” foods. When I got a job in the factory for $1.50 an hour, it included health / dental insurance (A Scam) and the dentist started taking out the mercury and replaced with all white (toxic) plastics. Then the wisdom teeth went bad and the dentist all had trouble pulling them, so by the 4th dentist I found 1 that just split the tooth and easily pulled it- so I figured he knew what he was doing! My $1,500 per year dental insurance, he made sure he installed 3 Root canals with a Crown. His dental Insurance paper always said Gold. He eventually did them all, except for my lower front teeth!
The crowns would call off and taste of ROT / DEATH and he would glue them back on–they these dead root canal teeth would BREAK OFF, so the dentist would insert a post and new crowns…Insurance paid for it—Health Insurance is the greatest scam on the earth–it feeds the white coats! By third grade we started a dairy farm and drank raw milk daily–that guarantees rotten teeth! My older brother went to the same dentist, his mouth looked identical to my x-ray, only he had some real gold crowns. My brother spent 2 years searching for a dentist that would remove the dental disaster, none would–their brotherhood prevented them. He retired and gave up on the idea. I eventually read the Dr. Clark Books and found Dr. John Johnson. I explained to him that my last test at the factory said I had 112x more lead than a “normal” male my age in 50 countries! Dr. John let me show you why!
Dr. John took the x-ray and explained every root canal was filled with Lead and every crown was not gold, it was Nickel. Lead and Nickel the 2 most cancer causing poisons on earth! Exactly like the Hulda Clark Books explained! Dr.John was friends with Dr. Hal Huggins and he never ever put a mercury filling or root canal in a patient ever…he made his living removing the poisons.He explained to me: you notice you have no cavities or fillings in your lower front teeth? I said yes, he explained dentist can not easily work on those thin teeth, so they leave those alone and they survive a long time as a result.
So my dentist that did all out root canal / crowns had retired, we knew him well! I sent him the Advanced Cancer Book and he called me up and said every word in that book was true and that every thing he did, was to kill me. He suggested I pull all his dental work asap, but did not volunteer 1 dime. He admitted his paper work was lies and it was lead and nickel and not gold, just like the Clark book explains!
Clark books explain how to use a simple amp meter and check all your dental disaster! My teeth tested about 20% worse than she wrote. I asked an electronics genius at the factory I worked and he explained it like this: The brain functions on about 2 nano amps and he said your teeth tested at 700= Ma and that simple means that your brain CAN-NOT send proper signals through that electromagnetic field generated in your mouth/neck and he said that is the reason the book is saying that dental work will kill you.
My brother had some real gold dental work and Clark said that is a triple disaster: Lead, Nickel and Gold creates so much electromagnetic field interference that those people develop pancreatic cancer– My brother did not read the book, did not know it said that- he died of pancreatic cancer and buried with a mouth full of lead/nickel/gold. Why? Because of the “organized” college brotherhood. The “organized” treats the poor as slaves and slaves should not live past age 40.
Dr. Hulda Clark would not waste her time on anyone that refused to pull their teeth. The first time we met Dr. Hulda Clark she asked me to video tape her 2 day event. We met this lady with breast cancer and she explained she met with Dr. Clark many years earlier and she refused to work on her, because she refused to pull her teeth. A few years later she wrote us and explained she pulled all her teeth and her jaw was full of puss (gangrene). She said she should have pulled her teeth 20 years earlier and that it was probably too late for her and she sent us her pictures and asked us to show them to people what happens when you do “ZERO”, her breast cancer was 10 years advanced at this point and for 20 years she did zero drugs and the breast cancer did not kill her, her dental work killed her.
Dental work, dirty water, diet, clean house, are all preventable / correctable!
Ariel spraying, WiFi, Cell Phones, Frequencies, Electric Fields
can be “managed” inside a secure house, but once outside, every breathe and everything—is toxic and frequencies / radio / tv / microwaves pass through your body 24/7—–unless:
You Obey Nature
Stay Grounded!
Proper Grounding is Nature’s Defense to Electronics.
Common sense proves dirty foods, dirty water, dirty living ends in disaster!
Dental / Drugs / Vaccines more sneaky!
A great Texas Beef Rancher
Dr. John Ellis, M.D.
Proved that beef that eat corn, ends up in the human heart!
(stop all cord for 30 days prior to processing Beef!)
He spent his career trying to get the government to mandate that beef cows would have corn removed from the feed for 30 days before processing! He proved all humans have “swelling” (inflammation) due to a diet that lacks Vitamin B-6 and that induces Heart Disease and ends in Heart Attacks. He proved people consuming B-6 will reduce swelling in their hands and feet. That is a FACT! He spent his career teaching Texas High Schools to stop eating Corn Fed Beef and take Vitamin B-6 daily! If you like your heart- NEVER EAT CORN! This is why the Chinese call Royal Jelly the Heart Cure! Royal Jelly has all the B-Vitamins from Flower Source, plus 5 usable hormones!
Pre 1950 Royal Jelly Books:
The Royal Dog fed 50mg Royal Jelly Daily!
The Royal Horse 500mg daily!
The Royals 100mg daily!
The slaves?
My dogs receive a huge spoon of Royal Jelly daily!
Their puppies receive a Big Spoon every day! (go to page)
We take Lots of Royal Jelly every day (go-to-page)
Lots of Vitamin “C” rich herbs every day
Cold Processed Wild Oregano Oil every day
BF&C Calcium Rich Herbs every day
LBB Capsules as needed every day
Herbal Teas made with Clean Water every day
Various herbs in life as required
LBB Capsules
Always 1st
Wild Oregano Oil
Every Day for Life
The Burning Bush Miracle!
Oh Boy!
The “Elixir”
Fit for a King!
Babies Love the “Elixir” Too
If your King of Your “Castle”
You deserve Freeze Dried “Royal Jelly”
Blood Pressure / Heart
Kidney / Pancreas Herbs
They suggest 80% of the Kidney Function fails before a child can experience a “cold”.
The Heart is the last Organ to Fail!
A true refrigerator!
Dr. Hulda Clark
Jet Lee
The Best Chiropractor on earth!
David Christopher (son of Dr. John R. Christopher)
Dr. Pastor Lee Vayle
Best friend of William Branham
First man to talk to Elijah in current times!
Dr. James Duke (1 of my teachers)
Dr. Duke was well known as a world traveler / researcher of herbs and responsible for some of the most successful medical drugs. When he graduated college, his first gov job was going to the panama canal and doing a study on the plants / trees. He explained that the secret was that the panama canal was dug using explosives and those explosives were “nuclear” and that everything in that area was affected. His job was to sample and study the plants and trees and document the affects the nuclear fall out on the area had. His passion was searching the jungles world wide in search of new medical herbs. He liked living in the jungles with the natives and living all natural, barefoot and all.
Much to come in 2025