( 22) Honey / Vinegar

The School of “Self-Applied” Prevention


Educational Purposes Only!

Free – Thinking Adults Only!

“Self-Experimental” Use Only!

Real “Raw” Honey

True Fruit “Aged” Vinegar

Sadly the majority has no clue about Real Honey / Vinegar!

Raw Fruit Vinegar is Pure Bacteria / Living Product!

I suggest: No-One Drink Raw Vinegar

unless they Made It!

Honey Bees are required for some of the greatest foods! Raw Honey taken direct from the hive requires no heat and can be extracted direct into the bucket. True Raw Honey will harden until you can stick a spoon straight up and in a cool room it will be hard to even stick a spoon into it. While store honeys are mostly all filtered and the good stuff removed and what is left is more like sugar and thin and runny. When it comes to making herbal teas, Raw Honey is the best natural sweetener that is healthy.

Note: Honey is a Bee / Insect product! Sweet, but much more than just flower sugars. Due to the fact it can be harvested with zero heat, makes it very unique. Raw Unfiltered Maple Syrup is fantastic, but requires allot of heat, the same with Sorghum Molasses when even more heat. Dehydrated Sugar Cane Juice taste like candy, but that requires allot of heat. When you can see Raw Honey harvested direct from the Bee Hive and it taste about like candy and makes a superior sweet herbal tea; Real Honey is high on the list of must have foods.

Everyone will have their own “taste”, but 1 cup Raw Honey to each gallon of Herbal Tea is just about “Perfect”.  Commercial stores are never going to sale it- it is a “Raw” product! Commercial requires sterilization / radiation / acids, etc. for long shelf life and no bacteria! While Raw means Nature’s Bacteria.

These 2 natural foods have much health value and with a few herbs many formulas can be made!

The combinations are endless!

Large harvest of honey should be kept in quart canning jars so they can easily be warmed up.

Most any herb can be blended into the honey and any and all desirable Essential Oils can be used for flavoring, for health and preserving! Dr. Cass Ingram loved Honey with Wild Oregano Oil and Cold Processed Wild Oregano Oil and other Cold Processed Essential Oils are an endless experimentation all can do. Raw Honey blended with 10% Wild Oregano oil in theory could be kept in storage for thousands of years. The Essential Oils known as de-wormers are fantastic. As mild or strong as a person desires!

Raw Unfiltered Honey can be added to Herbal Teas, Herbal Tinctures, consumed by the spoonful, used externally in many different ways.

True – Made Raw Fruit Vinegar is RARE! Your never going to buy it in a public store!

The basics of a real Vinegar takes minimum of 2-3 years time, this is why most vinegar sold in public stores are not only not real, often they are made from corn. When a real vinegar is sold in a store, they must kill the vinegar! Dr. John R. Christopher praised live apple fruit vinegar and condemned dead vinegar. One good for the stomach and the dead vinegar bad for the stomach. The corn made vinegar should never use the name vinegar, it is just chemical water. Always read the label and know stores never will sell real live vinegar ever. Great Raw Vinegar can be expensive and traded like fine wines. True fruit vinegar when properly cared for, can live 100+ years easily.

The only good way to have vinegar is to make your own! That way you know the quality! The larger your tank, the better your success. Vinegar can be made from most sweet fruits; apple vinegar is famous for the simple fact orchards always had lots of less than perfect apples that they made apple juice / cider from and apple juice is how you make apple cider vinegar by allowing it to set in a tank for 3 years! Vinegar needs a dark, cool building and a small amount of oxygen to keep it living. As long as the vinegar is alive, it is true vinegar. Each year the “mother” becomes thick in the vinegar tank and needs to be collected and removed and throw away of feed to chickens, pigs, put on garden, etc.

Prized Vinegar is aged! 100+ year old vinegar extremely prized. The older the vinegar the more unique the taste. Fruit blend vinegar normally will mostly be apple juice, but can have berry juice, pineapple, orange juice, etc. resulting in unique flavors. Historically a simple blend of 50% Raw Honey and 50% Raw Vinegar was famous as a daily longevity tonic.  Raw vinegar and raw honey is Raw Natural Bacteria, this is desirable by some and feared by others! The addition of Wild Oregano kills bacteria, but commercial uses radiation and acids, as well as heat to kill all sources of bacteria; this is why your never going to find “real” raw foods easily and best is to grow / harvest your own. Common fruit flies seek our sweet fruit juices and most people that still make real apple juice vinegar have the idea that the fruit flies are part of the process of vinegar and all these tiny flies to freely consume their vinegar- this is why you never want to buy apple cider vinegar from apple orchard farmers and most today only sale their barn made vinegar for garden fertilizers and once that caught on, now the average Amish apple orchards often have very little left to sale. Otherwise Vinegar making does not require fruit flies, the apple / fruit juices have their own natural “yeast” and the superior vinegar tank system will be a “sealed” system with air pumped in and no fly / bug permitted in. If you want the “best”, often you have to grow / make your own foods.

Real “aged” raw fruit vinegar will be “dark” and very favorable. People with picky taste will normally say “yuck” to all herbs and natural foods before they even taste them and have every excuse to say they would rather die that consume such things as they have shelves full of vitamins, prescriptions and want everything “Sterilized”. People allergic to anything and everything should read and help them selves until they are healthy first. Each person self-experiments with each breath of air, each bite of food and drink and every soap, lotion, potion and clothing can be toxic to some degree. I personally say “yuck” to vitamins, drugs and operations.

Dr. Jarvis, M.D. wrote the best book about using Raw Honey and Raw Vinegar, it is a must read for all interested in these types of natural foods. These used books often can be found for cheap on ebay / amazon. Once understood, Honey and Vinegar becomes a “Base” to adding most any herb desired! Honey is better than any commercial sugar sold in stores. Dr. Cass wrote a book about honey and it and all his books are must read for those that take care of their own health.

Shelves Full of Raw Honey

1 dropper Wild Oregano Oil

Per Quart!

Raw Honey

Is a Fantastic Food!

I consume at least

1+ Cup Weekly

in Herbal Tea!

Raw Honey and Home Made Fruit Vinegar

can be stored properly for many many years!

Royal Jelly / Wild Oregano Oil

Mixes Well