( ) Humans

The School of “Self-Applied” Prevention



The first step of understanding human health is to understand what humans are?

A Clay Vessel!

Jesus said; over 2,000 years ago:

Water, Minerals/Salts, Electric, Magnetic Clay Vessel

Humans (mammals, etc.) are split North, South, East and West

Same as Earth and Space is all Pure “Magnetic” Energy

With humans it is more “complicated”

Much more “complicated”

Earth / Sun / Space / Human Energy can never use “Used”, it can only be “Directed”

With humans (etc.) when the oxygen, hydrogen lacks the only possible result can be sickness and eventual death.

The solution would be “correction”, to fix the electrical / magnetic state of the human body!

The Human Spirit / Conscious is not the Human Body, the Spirit is “gifted” a vessel by God!

This “Subconscious” Body made up of many trillions of cells that can travel at the speed of light!

The Conscious Spirit when “awake” can make good or bad choices! Those choices affect the Subconscious!

The Subconscious maintains the life of the body!

Many people world wide call the Subconscious; GOD! 

Dr. Robt. Jackson M.D. wrote many books, his last book in 1928 he discovered the true cure was Loving God and using the Conscious Mind to influence the Subconscious Mind. He explains that basically all cures every known to mankind are created by the Subconscious Mind or what most refer to as “Miracles”. The Subconscious can create at the speed of Light! This makes people say it was a “Miracle”.

Books for the past 2,000+ years give examples of people that learned how to create foods, even houses out of “air”, because air is pure energy just waiting to be “directed” and those with great belief, the belief the size of a mustard seed in GOD, have been known to never be in need ever, to never have to kill any food source or labor for shelter, etc. Jesus the best well known “teacher” in  Faith in God! A group of Harvard / Oxford Professors in 1884 spent 3.5 years with people that knew how to direct “air” energy. Foods from “air” energy; have no accumulative rock/minerals/waste/worms or had to be killed; so their stories are that they never die and keep their body. Those books go much further and explain the “dead’ world starting by mid 1800’s where Oxford Professors spent their lifetime working with the people that had died. The third book given by God, the Book of Jesus, teaches differently about death, but those professors say they were thought by Jesus and because Oxford / Harvard resented what they had learned, many of the professors returned to go live with the people that know Jesus. The professors believed that Jesus permitted them to come to him because Jesus was going to warn them about the great war soon to happen on earth (World War 1).

Then to complicate human history even more, is the history of William Branham, born in 1907 as a witness to The World War that Jesus wrote about over 2,000 years ago:

Written over 2,000 years ago by Jesus!

If you read the history of William Branham, all the books over 1,000 audio, etc. world wide

It is all about William Branham and Elijah, Jesus and everyone believed it was Paul living with and teaching William Branham, but Jesus predicted it would be Enoch. William Branham’s son, Billy died less than 2 years ago, he told me he seen up front and close the thousands of miracles world wide, all in the name of Jesus. All the Miracles world wide, performed by Elijah! In the book of Jesus, He even predicts World War 1.

Then it becomes more “Complicated”!

The 1800’s Oxford / Harvard Professors wrote about the “beautiful” Lady!

She would appear with Jesus and not only created entire banquets out of air, she would heal dying children and create new homes for them out of air!

Then come 2024, an author that the world gov believes, claims 16 years the beautiful Lady appeared to him several times and warned him of the future! Nasa, Obama, Gov wanted pictures with the author and Nasa studies of him, believe he had been off the planet at some point.

The good was, that the professors were explained to and shown for 3.5 years by physical example how humans travel at the speed of light, anywhere on earth. They were shown old people that they got to know, died and then restored with new young bodies – NO WONDER they wanted to return and live in those parts of earth.

The modern 1800’s books could be called fantasy, but another book 2,000 years old, written by Paul, explains in detail how he learned all languages, including animals and how he learned to travel at the speed of light and according to Pastor Hotema 50+ books statues of Paul were found in every country on earth and the roman empire eventually destroyed all except a few that are kept hidden in european museums. The entire Branham family all believes it was Paul that lived with them and instructed their dad what to tell people around the world and the Marble Pyramid  gravestone that Branham is buried under is covered in words, that the children were Paul’s words. Pastor Lee Vayle was very close friends with William Branham and the first human to ask if the healing spirit was Elijah and the first author to write the first of many books about what William Branham preached to the people and he told me that Branham told him 100% of the words in the book were words given to him directly from Paul-so he said the book was ok to print. (eventually I will explain the names of the many books or like the Branham book, I made a pdf).

Then humans have these FACTS:

People that have died in hospitals, at home, etc. that then returned to life by way of what they call “Angels”

explain what they experienced! My brother’s story when he was dead 2x and a 3rd time later as an adult is a common example!

That and the FACT human health accelerates fast when we properly stop eating solid foods!

Proven by Dr. Howard Hay, M.D. 1930’s and Harvard, Yale and Rockefeller Institute all agree by 1950.

Proven by every human that reads the Dr. Hay and Dr. Jackson books and apply what they learned!

The Goal of 5x more Red Blood Cells in just 14 days!

Jackson proved after 21 days a new heart!

Many believe a new liver by day 30!

I got all new skin by day 40!

A great book explains the Miracle

(The author knows simple methods to greatly increase the Red Blood Cells with out proper Fasting!)

FACT: all the so called dieticians / drs what evers can not explain how humans can feel so great when not eating!

Pastor Hotema wrote 50+ books of ancient world secrets and his pet interest were people that never eat!

med/gov captured and cut up these Breath-air-ians trying to understand how they thrive on no food!

Only after man went to space, then they learn how some people can live on air alone!

After all, air is loaded with water! People need to drink allot once they eat “stuff”.

They learned what True “Manna” is and where it comes from and how it is “alive”!

80+ years ago, the Sunrise Clinic of Dr. Howard Hay, M.D. said He cured 63,000 patients and that the cure was 5x more Red Blood Cells in just 14 days!

Dr. Hay was near dead before he learned the cure-all, His clinic was built late in his life and after he died, his clinic was torn down immediately!

Before Dr. Hay, a Dr. in France was experimenting in the late 1800’s draining all the blood from dogs and replacing with ocean water! He eventually learned and by early 1900 he was curing all humans of all ages, especially new born babies and doing so in rapid time! He also kept photo records for 30 years!


The Dr. 120 years ago: Said in 30 days!

That sounds impossible, but the Jesus was teaching all humans, if they only had the belief in God the size of a mustard seed, they could move mountains if they wished to! Jesus healed by asking God, the creator of every body and everything that has ever existed! He told all humans to ask GOD your creator, only belief in God is everything! The witnesses always say, the cure was instant. The 1880’s books explain the trillions of human cells under the control of God’s creation, what we call our Subconscious, travels at the speed of sound. Dr. Robt. Jackson M.D. in the 1920’s was proving to himself that the true cure, the only cure, is getting control of the Subconscious and his main method was simple–every day be “Believed” and Loved God and said: God is Good, God is Always Good and speaking directly to his own body!

God knows all, is all and those that search for anything, no matter what it may be is “gifted” by their Subconscious Mind! Every great inventor in earth history learned how to access their Subconscious Mind. Many of the greatest inventors were gifted as small children. Often saying God talked to them.

The greatest way to make humans into “slaves” is to make their blood toxic, sickly and then 14 years of education condemning belief in God.

What makes a human a human is the fact the human is given a “Conscious” of choice and can choose to harm their own body, hate or love, etc., etc.

Making “Fake” education / news the greatest enemy of the planet!

But then beware of “all” humans education:

The 4 ways!

We would all be better off if no book had ever been printed on earth!

That is why the first printed book, created more wars and more deaths and changed the world.

No printed book can be trusted to be 100% accurate!

Mother and Father are to teach their children and hand down all that is needed to be healthy and loving!

World War 1 had 3 goals:

Kill all strong men to prevent future civil wars!

Destroy the mother / family!

Forced schooling!

A great M.D. shorty after forced school started, wrote that children should never get near a school until age 10

and by age 10 the child would tell the teachers where to go!

A teenage amish girl operating her parents food store, talked about the health of their cattle, how good their garden was that year

and told me and told me $$$ is a joke and life is family and health!

Amish still refuse to go past 8th grade!

Their teachers are girls that graduated 8th grade!

They learn how to work and feed them selves!

Filling the brain with 13 years of garbage, has but 1 goal- so the children are too busy and bored to learn what is important in Life!

The entire 13 years has a goal of slavery! To keep the children under control via fake $$$.

That is why Jesus hated $$$ so much!

Evil receives all the free $$ they want, as long as they obey!

The educated slaves work for fake $$, with out it they suffer!

Jesus said; in the time of Noah 84 people loved God!

In the end, this time, He said less than 30 people will Love God!

13 years of brainwashing education for $$$$, insures children will seek more $$$

All humans must play the $$$ game, if they are to deal with others!

$$ is like the game “Hot Potato”

KEEP IT MOVING, never hoard $$

Hawaii is the last great example: The people believed they owned their land and none had any need for $$. Priest entered, created gov, created deeds for all land and then in time, said we own all the land. The people refused to be slaves, so the priest purchased Chinese and Philippine slaves. Those that go to Hawaii the locals all seek to explain how they were invaded and taken over! They also explain that when they came, the captured all the natives and ate them all! The Cruise Ship captain had his own stories. He said people down the chain are still wild people that will eat you! He said there is a forbidden Island Zoo where people have no clue there is an outside world. World wide there are many such Island human “Zoos”.

Life as a human can get complicated!

Only if you have to have contact with other humans!

Very LARGE FAMILIES is a sign of slave owners!

Very small to no family is the result of world war 1 that has never ended or slowed down.

Jesus said Earth is not Home!

Never forget that!