( ) Far East

The School of “Self-Applied” Prevention


The Far East



God is Good

God is Always Good!

Two words increase human frequency:

Jesus / God

Great authors / teachers would write and suggest saying those 2 words as many times as you can through out life. These 2 words were explained in the 1800’s as causing “Vibrations” in the human body and the higher the vibrations the goal of every human. Such vibrations may be experienced in the Pituitary Gland as vibrations above the middle of your eyes. Great Drs. long ago were writing about the power of positive sayings / Prayer with the word GOD in each sentence! Teaching that the human cells all have intelligence / energy / light that travels at amazing speeds known commonly as the Subconscious Mind and that God creates-all and all are God and that the human spirit occupies the God provided body and with Jesus life is experienced. The God – Subconscious body is not under control of the human spirit and great drs 100+ years ago wrote that the path to superior health was to talk to your Subconscious mind every day “asking” for superior health and well being and by “believing” the Subconscious Mind (God) would answer the daily prayers. The Far Eastern Teachers believed that when a human truly believed Jesus / God is the human body, that the human spirit should only ask 1 time and 100% believe their prayer and it would be instantly provided. In fact, the greatest teachers believed 100% of everything desired, is as close as asking God for it. All food, all shelter, all needs supplied “instantly”. In fact, the greatest teachers stated that those that “work” and struggle in life have the least Faith that they are God’s Children and have inherited “every” power of God and if they only had faith the size of a mustard seed they could move mountains. Many books for 2,000 years explaining that is the goal- Faith in God!

God is Good

God is Always Good!

Jesus the only true Teacher!

The name Jesus is one of the best known names on earth as it pertains to Jesus of Nazareth. The pope’s New Testament  Bible is the best well known book that the majority takes as the “only” history of Jesus, while areas of the Far East have much more history. That and a book written for Jesus by Barnabas is a must read as well for those that like to know “more”. Other than the Book by Jesus, all other accounts are not only written by man, every translation is subject to have been influenced by the publisher and the best books also state up front the the reader must decide for them selves. As far as the Book of Jesus, they say it was buried with Barnabas and it was not long in history that they claim the book was in the pope’s control and hundreds of years later was used to create their new testament and then burned the original book and hunted down and burned all the known translations / copies around the world- but a copy survived and eventually translated into english.

The Book of Jesus is much more in depth and complete compared to the new testament. Paul also wrote his book and like Jesus, his books were burned, but they suggest a princess hid a copy that surfaced many years later- both books have similarities. People in the Judea area surely have much much more history about the life of Jesus. “If” the Book of Paul and of Jesus are the only books ever written by them, that would seem like the starting point when interested in learning their history and how it affects all people on earth. Then many many years later, after the 1880’s much more has been written that would “surprise” most people. There surely are many books world wide written in many languages and the few samples that will be shown here is just an “American” samples. It is needless to say that the samples to follow will all be somewhat shocking to those that choose to only believe that the pope’s new testament is the only book to explain the life of Jesus and Paul, as well as many other well known characters dating back 2,000 years. Their history are the most important human health and welfare books ever printed.

The pope’s bibles are well known and available in most countries and amazingly there are endless “patented” versions of that book. Those that have interest in books that explore the bible; the popular Pastor Hilton Hotema 50+ books explains how the pope’s created the new testament and the endless problems that arose world wide when the bible was printed. Hotema cover’s Paul’s history well and he explains the books and how to find them. All of the Hotema books would shock the average reder that has never read history beyond the bible and the fact very small % have read the bible well enough to understand it and many today thanks to the cell phone age have not read the bible at all and will never acquire and read books that would change their life.

Not reading  is the “final” goal, but due to the fact children have few true teachers or parents that know about history and life, so their only choice is spending years reading and their goal is simple–once “they know” and Love God Truly–then they never need to read a book written by a man ever again. Relying on the schools/colleges/ internet to teach / read to people is surely one of the largest traps that exist. Jesus made it clear, He is the “Only” Teacher, while the world does all it can to brainwash and poison all.

In reality the sole purpose of longevity is to live long enough, to learn and Truly Love God; those that lack enough longevity and fail to learn and apply are victims of the world.

The Bible is best read front to back 10 pages before bedtime until finished, that way the reader knows!

Learning how and who wrote and published the bibles and why they do not use the bibles has its problems, but because the bibles mention the word God so many times, it has survived many wars that the publishers created and conquered much of earth in the process of creating world wide slavery.

Jesus wrote the only book about his life 2,000+ years ago and was it used by the bible publishers and then they burned the Hand – Written book.

Dr. Cass Ingram owned his own Publishing Co. and published this “copy” for a friend.

I will put picture here soon—

New Testament Paul wrote a book of his life and explains how He learned and applied great powers that the Masters of the Far East Book also explains in detail. Only after reading the book that Paul wrote, could a person even begin to understand the history of William Branham and the family friend; Paul. The Branham family of which the children are still alive, say Paul taught their dad what to tell the world. The first person to write a book about William Branham was his very good friend;  Pastor Lee Vayle. We knew Pastor Lee Vayle and Billy Branham well. (Billy is still alive).


When Pastor Vayle wrote this book, he showed it to William Branham and Branham read it and said 100% of the words were what he was instructed by Paul to tell the world, so he said it would be ok to Print! Pastor Vayle kept a few boxed of these books and handed them out to people he met over many many years. This book had a reputation that if Pastor Vayle handed you a copy, that you should read it with out haste, because those that did not read the book in due time, often something happened that then the person had nothing but time to read the book. So beware, if you choose to open this book, read every word or do not open it at all is my best advice. I know from experience what happens when I did not take the time to read my copy from Pastor Vayle. Pastor Vayle believed the Lord worked in mysterious ways to enable people to learn. Pastor Vayle like many that read these types of books, believed that people help others long after they have died. Pastor Vayle and many others wrote many books about William Branham. Most all of his life’s mission was captured on audio and small amounts of news tv video exist and all can be found on the internet. Billy Branham has spoken to churches around the world and was front and center at all his dad’s meetings world wide and witnessed everything- he has told his life story over and over and many churcheds around the world has videos on the internet of William Branham and his son Billy. Notably it was Pastor Lee Vayle that was the first human to ask William Branham while “healing” people, if the healing “spirit” was Elijah and the spirit said, Yes, it is “I”. The internet is loaded with world wide travels of William Branham, but the total story of William Branham only comes from the Branham family and those that were close friends. As amazing as the books are, the full story of William Branham is allot. Only the Masters of the Far East books can explain how people can live eternally and can appear at will and teach in current times. Such books explain that all humans should learn, it is their inheritance to do so. Once the human has the faith the size of a mustard seed, they understand life eternal with Jesus and God.

These type books are must-read prior to reading this set of 6 books. (books are subject to have been corrupted by the printers)

A set of 6 books exist from 1884-1888 that provides much much more about Jesus and God.

This author, his dad and grandfather “did-allot’ in their lifetimes.

(These type books can be read many times and never learn it all.)

Once a human truly loves God, no books are every required and that is the truest explaining why books exist by people! “If” parents loved God and taught their children, no other teacher or book would ever be required. The first printing press was created and used to develop slavery and teachers / schools and forced education designed to make slaves of children, brain washing to make children never understand they are children of God and have all the inherited power of their Father God. Once a human truly loves God and has “Faith” and “Knows” they are God’s Children– they can burn every book! All forced book education has but 1 goal, slavery by way of making children not believe in God. God is as close as their next thought. Taking young children and filling their heads with nonsense books and filling their bodies with vaccines and endless toxic foods, drinks and poisoned air- is not by accident! It is required to make them slaves by way of not knowing they are God’s Children with every inherited power of their Father God.

Parents that do not teach their children, turn their children over to strangers, paid by the world.

All are brothers and sister and all children of God.

It is that Simple!

These books explain life as a human on earth, how it all functions, how the universes all work. Once a child accepts and believes and knows they are God’s child, no book is needed, they will know “all” that their Father knows. Reading garbage books, fiction books is destroying the human life. People would be far better off if no alphabet, writing or books were ever created- they all distract from life. They all lead people to believe in other’s worldly  belief’s and fantasies.

Many people on earth still believe they are all children of God! Very few have the faith the size of a mustard seed due to false education.

Every human has Jesus within, their body made by God and their human spirit!

Every human a child of God with their Father’s inherited powers!

When people deny the world and accept God as their Father– they have succeeded.


Cleanliness is next to Godliness!

The Dr. Hay, M.D. style juice “fasting” leads to cleansing of the body and brain and much improved health–I call his book, Book 1. When applied, often an over weight person will loose 50# of accumulated garbage / poisons out of their body. The human body frequencies will have a hard time increasing when the body is loaded with waste and worms feasting on the body. People can not expect miracles if they poison their body none stop.

It is this simple- If you believe God created, takes care of and lives inside your body- they would treat their body so. Now you know why you see so much misery and why everything “commercial” is loaded with toxicity by design—by 1992 (Book 2) the organized world decided no slave should live past age 40- the 1992 introduction of titanium dioxide in your air (along with aluminum since 1949), foods and body products is their insurance along with 13 years of forced false education and life on drugs that you will never know your Father God. Slave masters make sure their slaves never wake up to Love their Father. Dopes, Booze and Poisons are by design along with forces bad books. Worms feast on toxic bodies.



Much more to come soon 2024



The God Code