The School of “Self-Applied” Prevention
Educational Purposes Only!
Free – Thinking Adults Only!
“Self-Experimental” Use Only!
The following pictures I took with 35 mm camera 25 years ago for 3 years and using the “mild” herbal formula called P / W.
The pictures came from a wide variety of people as a result of a “Liver Flush”.
People generally have all the common worms and those that traveled over seas and drs. and nurses had the most unique worms.
There are endless old books about worms in mammals, all mammals.
My “Best” Picture
Common Human Liver Fluke
(humans have lots)
Note: she has 4 ovaries spewing out endless rows of eggs. These eggs hatch and travel through the entire body in various stages. She commonly thrives inside the liver and she lives protected inside the pancreas. Worms of endless types can live inside the entire body, even inside the nerves. Inside teeth and bones and the outside of the body skin & hair can be covered in various types of parasites- creatures that feast on mammals.
Common Sheep Fluke
(humans have lots)
These are a very common worm, it is suggested that all Americans can be plagued with these, because sheep use to be popular and once a sheep ever took a dump on the soil, that soil is said to forever have these worms that easily live inside humans. In extreme cases, some elderly can pass so many of these it made me wonder. This M.D. had plenty, but he had many I had never seen in others. A dentist had rather large worms and he gave them to his vet and said they came from his dog and the vet said, don’t think so, looks like something that came from you. That was all 25 years ago, it seemed pointless looking at liver flush, because most people all had the same types and the big ones the eyes can see are a tiny % of the total, because most parasites are too small to see by the human eye.
The Liver reproduces tissue none stop, making it a hotel for the liver fluke type worms. These worms eat a hole in the liver to make it’s home, making the liver like a piece of swiss cheese. I took this picture to prove the worm was inside the liver and captured in what people call gallstones. The fluke worms make round holes and when they leave, the holes fill up and make gallstones, which are really liver stones. When doing liver flushing properly, you flush until there are zero stones and no chaff and then you know the holes filled in with new tissue and no longer a hole capturing trash.
This is an extremely rare picture as well and from a liver flush that went very well ! This is a “clump” of worms which I must assume came from the intestinal wall; I doubt that it was inside the liver or pancreas. The worms wave back and forth “eating” food that passes by them.
These are probably adults ready to exit the human body to continue their life cycle- just my guess! They surely eat human food and in theory the intestines could be lined with them. I am not sure how this clump broke loose, but surely LBB Capsules enabled it.
200 x the head / mouth
Very rare picture! While looking at a strange worm, out of desperation she expelled a mass of eggs!
When doing a Liver Flush, a drop of fluid expelled into the toilet- normal view 0x
Same picture separated to look at the eggs / worms. Dr. Brown was very curious about his Liver Flush results, so I took more time that normal to show him what was living inside him. I told Dr. Brown I always had to see a head or tail before I called it a worm and not an egg.
Very Bazaar and perhaps a “dangerous” worm! Each liver flush often produced “1” of these worms.
At 200x she appears to be shedding off loads of babies! A worm that 1 at a time matures and sheds her babies in the intestines to move onward in their life cycles must be a POWERFUL WORM! To have that much “control” may be using hormones / chemicals to obtain such power. The mother tape worm is suggested to have such powers, to only have 1 mature adult per human, but can have endless eggs and immature tapeworms. The brain being home for the eggs.
Parasites are an endless subject. The big ones tend to die easier than some of the microscopic ones. What is known as the cork screw worm “Lymes” lives inside teeth, boner, tissues, organs, nerves–basically the entire body and the toughest of all, some suggest impossible to be “Lymes” free. The ones people can not see normally causes no scare—-while the scariest worm will be a tape worm or large round worm that crawls up and out of the throat—-the worms that can cause a person to become so paranoid that it can literally ruin their life has to be the common pin worm. People that are allergic to dairy and all sorts of foods may do a liver flush and see a bucket of pin worms come out and each time less worms and then notice they can eat all sorts of foods…..but, when a person learns how to expel pin worms out of their skin—when that happens, they can not forget what they seen and they become paranoid. For that reason, the formula for such solutions is a forbidden formula coming out of ancient Korea/China. When such a fluid is rubbed on the skin, from head to toe—pin worms push up and out and drop off by the hundreds. Such video exist from Korea. Otherwise people have discovered a type of soap that has paraffin in it that when rubbed on after a very warm shower—the pin worms are smothered and they come up and out. Avoid watching those type videos! I have searched from 20 years for the formula and the Chinese made it at my request and they said what they made worked on dogs, but only 1/2 the time on humans—such a formula would be worth a gold mine and for that reason they will never make for the public.
People can ignore worms and endless microscopic parasites, but the facts are, we humans live at the bottom of an ocean of parasites–we re bottom feeders. Every breathe of air is loaded with parasites–we are what is for dinner! Killing parasites with electronics and poisons is easy—but such poisons kill the parasite and then smaller parasites (fungus / mold) eats it and they too are parasites. Dr. Royal Rife gave up at 70,000x and said as you kill a parasite–smaller ones appear to eat it and they all poop and pee in the human body and carry their own parasites—
The answer is simple, you empower your blood and your blood hunts down, kills, dissolves and expels out the elimination organs—Only human blood can do the job! Only human blood cures- never drugs and vitamins. Feed the blood what it needs and it keeps the parasites at bey.
The above pictures were enabled by people doing Liver Flush and using LBB and P/W and that was 25 years ago! The Liver Flush dates back to the 1930’s in surgical books on the subject of Gallbladder Surgeries.
Open the Liver file and take a close look at the typical liver pictures take of dead people. Noteworthy is the fact those people were living with those livers until the day they died. The Liver is one of the largest and most important organs. Often when a patient is given up on, they are told the cancer has went to the liver; while other sources suggest no cancer can exist unless it first starts from liver failure. Even more interesting is books written by one of the greatest M.D. in North American history, Dr. Jackson, M.D. that he built himself a new heart in just 21 days of Orange Juice Fasting and some sources suggest a new liver and new skin during a 40 day juice fast.
The Liver Flush
First an Amish family puts their Liver Flush in buckets, the buckets then flushed with hydrant water!
Worms and eggs flushed away leaving what people call “Gallstones”
My most “Famous” Gallstone Picture (35 mm) 25 years ago
Note the dime! That stone beside the dime is the size of the gallbladder! Proof all the other stones came from inside the Liver!
This Liver Flush came from a 23 year old young man and he did experience emotional relief as a result- during the flush, which is rare. Dr. Hulda Clark that we knew well, made the Flush popular 25 years ago. She explained that when some people loaded with drug residue trapped in their liver as stones–can experience an emotional experience when all that toxicity is expelled. This is an Extremely Rare Picture, few to no one was teaching them selves about Liver Stones such as I was to the point that I looked for others for 3 years, for free. I educated myself and they got to see what was inside their Liver.
1 stone the size of the gallbladder, proof her second huge stone came from her liver! An elderly woman. Take another look at the Liver pictures!
Your Liver Health is a Huge Subject!
Surgeons will tell you that you can not do this and it would blow their minds to see a Gallstone the exact same size of the gallbladder. A healthy liver can not have liver stones and yet this normal looking / healthy 23 year old male was loaded with large stones, which suggest he had plentiful large liver fluke worms eating holes in his liver. They will tell you that you can not expel the common little gallstones—-the proof is here that it is possible to expel a stone the size of a gallbladder.
NOTE: When a person does a proper Liver Flush and see no stones? They may have a stone still in the gallbladder and repeating the flush in 3 days, normally produces a large stone that appears like a football in shape—-because the gallbladder was pushing on it and the next attempt it slides out.
A normal Liver Flush is done 3x and more if there is still plentiful chaff coming out. “If” a person is doing Liver Flushes for sever health reasons, they will do them until no stones appear anymore and wisely every 2 weeks for upwards of 6 months as they achieve proper weight and return of health. Each person decides what they do and most all people will reduce 10 pounds of fat out of their neck area by their third liver flush.
Liver Flushes are fine, they give a person a “Jump Start” on restoring their health, but, 20 years ago I learned a better way and I had mastered the Liver Flush; if anyone ever has and I stopped doing Liver Flushes 20 years ago! I believe it can be 10x easier and better with simple solution.
I learned many things while looking at Liver Flush results: those that spent time out of country- had different worms. People in the medical field, had different worms. People suffering from cancers had white stones that stunk so badly they could make you throw up. Normal / average people have dark green stones. An Amish community we showed 25 years ago, they had their entire community do a liver flush at the same time, then bought all the buckets to a barn. They lined the buckets based on known diseases and what are known as “special” children—they showed me that each health group had unique worms and a unique “smell”. The “special” children that grow up mentally handicapped, had unique worms!
People, often child bearing age women that drink hard well water- they can create “Calcified” Stones in their gallbladder that can cause extreme pains.In the case of calcification the greatest of all herbs enable the human body to dissolve the rock calcium out of the kidneys and then the kidneys dissolve the rock through out the entire body. The greatest Drs. long ago wrote that no baby, child or adult can experience an illness until 80% of their kidney function has failed to do their job. Dirty water / rock kills all humans eventually as they grow old like statues of the rock they drank. Until a person understands their water supply, they done literally very little to keep their health.
Extreme Calcification / Failure
60 days later (using ocean water)
They learned this 125 years ago in France! When the M.D. died, Kings, Queens and Presidents attended, because he had saved endless numbers of dying babies—then those in charge destroyed his clinic. The same as they did with the Sunrise Clinic in P.A. after Dr. Howard Hay M.D. died.
P / W
P / W A
When it comes to worms
it is all about your 3+ Trillion
Lymes Worms!
Because “all” your other worms
will die first!
Every country for 300+ years
has been using herbs to treat
what they use to call Syphilis
and then Lymes Worms!
Every Great Herb
Reduces Lyme Worm Damage!
Understanding Parasites is
Essential for Longevity!
This entire website
is about
Restoring Circulation / Life!
Wild Oregano Oil
Olive Leaf
are two of the most powerful
Anti-Parasite / Pro health
Herbs on Earth
that can be consumed daily for life
by all ages, all situations!
Used in most every Herbal Formula!
Approx. 16 great Essential Oils
known for their anti-parasite
human / animal use!
De-Wormer Formulas for all ages!
To Beef De-Wormer Herbs!
The Best Herbs are taken daily!
For Life Time!
Daily is the Key Education!
The Part most People Ignore!
An Ounce of Prevention!
Is worth a Pound of Cure!
M.H. 108