( 25 ) Puppies

he School of “Self-Applied” Prevention

Educational Purposes Only!

Free – Thinking Adults Only!

“Self-Experimental” Use Only!


German Shepherd

“Royal Jelly” Puppies

4- Sale December 2024

Puppies just before Breakfast

Christmas Eve / Video

All canned dog food always as 1 big spoon Royal Jelly!

1 quart Raw Goat’s Milk (with Royal Jelly / Wild Oregano Oil)

1 quart hot water

1 can Dog Food



Mother no longer feeds the pups!

So now they need steam distilled water with wild oregano oil “always’

With goat milk and canned food.

Soon it will be water and puppy food and no more goats milk.

10 puppies are more than that the mother can deal with, so she is done with them.

12 / 21 /2024

3 quarts Raw Goat’s Milk / 1 dropper Wild Oregano Oil per gallon

2 cans dog food / 2 spoons Freeze Dried “Fall” Harvested Royal Jelly!

Plus they take all of their mother’s milk!



Born 11/18/2024 Picture 12/20/2024

9 males and 1 female

1 Month Old  –  Video

After 3 weeks old, puppies drink lots of Raw Goats Milk

1 full dropper of Wild Oregano Oi

2 spoons of Royal Jelly

to each gallon of Goats Milk!



Registered German Shepherds

365 day per year Daily Dog Food Additive “Powder)

Black seed

Turmeric Rt.


Chaga Mushroom

Chia Seed

Olive Leaf

Ancient Salts / Minerals

Cold “Extracted” Mountain Picked Wild Oregano

Cinnamon & Clove Oils

Fine Ground

Pour as much as desired on Dog Food!

(I normally mix 2 ounces per 50# bag of food)

Mix and keep on food daily for life!

While Nursing, I give 2 large spoons full of
Longevity Basics per can of dog food, 3x daily

along with the normal food.

The Formula would be great “Daily” for Life, but cost more!

All herbs on this website for all mammals are based

on these 3+ books; when it comes to life extension!

“ALL” of the “Basics” of  health information of this website, applies to all mammals, including Dogs! Healthy dogs do daily parasite prevention and the better the diet, the better the health, which leads to superior longevity and intelligence. Most all species from fish, birds, even insects are far smarter than humans can even begin to imagine. The “Basics” of Longevity apply to dogs. Proper harvested Freeze Dried Royal Jelly is one of the world’s Greatest, Rarest and most expensive diet supplements for all mammal pregnancies, not just human pregnancy and babies. If you desiring “Superior” Intelligence and Healthy Puppies, it starts with a healthy mother and Royal Jelly is the “Premium” health supplement for Mother and Babies.

The Mother and Father of these puppies are some of the most intelligent dogs I have ever known. Ideally puppies learn “best” from their parents and dogs that have years of experience with humans, can accelerate the learning. These German Shepherd Breeds seem little training other than just proper treatment and spending a little time every day of their life and as a result, they live to please their human friends.

The same human “Basics” apply, no drugs, no poisons, proper diet, proper habitat and Love.

Dogs need freedom!

Land and freedom to run and protect their property makes the greatest experience with Real Dogs. A female that runs free 24/7 and a female (or male) on a chain / runner close to the house. Ideally never ever leave 2 adult dogs loose with no human interaction, that is asking for troubles. For those that want a large dog inside their home, a German Shepherd easily learns to sleep inside the door on a rug. No dog of any size should ever have freedom to wonder inside a house- ever! Their fur, their feet, their breath can never be suitable to live with children / adults- but for maximum security, an inside dog becomes alert when the outside dog detects intruders of every type.The 2 or 3 dogs can be “rotated” at all positions and experience “equality” with no jealousy. Just as easy is 1 dog per family! Just like humans, when a dog lives in the wrong places and on the wrong diets- equal health and mental problems will exist. The greatest dog experience would be a pack of dogs living in freedom with the human family far far away where no other dogs or people live close enough to cause any issues—good dogs, exist to protect their humans.

The German Shepherd breeds can be some of the most intelligent, most loving and gentle dogs on the planet. Just like humans, they also can be trained to be the opposite of their nature. They are some of the most loyal dogs possible. The Black German Shepherds will become so addicted to the human that they desire to be side by side for life. They should “never” show signs of biting other humans for any reason in the presence of their humans. Dogs are a reflection of their humans. They desire to do what their human wants them to do. Good or Bad.

Day 1

Day 2

Just like humans, the best Royal Jelly Books 70 years ago, believed “old” dogs could do much better when fed Royal Jelly Daily!

Watching animals increase health when supplemented with herbs such as Wild Oregano Daily is something all children should learn!

The Mother always receives Wild Oregano Oil every day of her life, as will her puppies! The same goes for their humans!

The less parasites and better they diet and environment is, all species will do “Better”, especially humans!

Dog Diet

Dogs are pack predators and ideally live on fresh kills; they also will eat grass, etc. as needed. In the wild most dog species eat allot of mice; the same with predatory birds, because mice are plentiful. Dogs will often eat the entire animal, bones in all if the prey was small, such as mice and rabbits. House dogs can be trained to eat most everything as can humans. The idea of a “Supplement” is when a diet “lacks” some “thing”. A good supplement will always be anti-parasite. Dog Food manufacturers often have to take more care when making dog foods than when making human foods; this is because animals restricted to a specific diet must be more “Complete” or the ill affects can be noticed easier by the quality of the fur and general energy / health of the pet.

One supplement with history of being good for dogs and horses is Royal Jelly. Wild Oregano Oil good for all living life and spices known to be anti-parasite. It is safe to say that commercial foods for dogs will be lacking in complete nutrition. Naturally no mammal / dog was born in need of anything that comes in a needle. Only Nature knows the perfect diet of every species. Herbs are just 1 example of seeking to support the diet.

4 days old



Much more to come 2025


Older Pictures



Tyson (Tenn Walker)

(Incredibly smart breed and fearless)