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The School of “Self-Applied” Prevention

Top Shelf Herbs / Formulas

The “Best”

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The “First”


Stage “1”

Based on Many Great Health Books

The Royal Jelly Book

The “best” is something that is always in motion, nothing can ever be the “best”, because soon a better way will emerge as one lives long enough to learn more or others make their “best”. Better would be a better description of the best! The best can and should always be improved! In this case, The “Best” is going to be referred to as the “First” or more specifically the first Grandchild in the subject of herbal supplementation. The word “supplement” referring to “deficient” diet. Naturally the mother’s health / diet is “all” during the pregnancy and nursing. Nursing is stage 2; the first stage is mother’s blood and then stage 2 is when baby is born and adapts to mother’s blood minus the red blood cells- Mother’s Milk. It takes 18 months for baby’s digestion and assimilation organs to further develop to be capable of stage 3 diet of sweet fruits / berries. Very few babies will consume only mother’s milk till age 18 months: very few such babies exist on earth. That subject is a gigantic subject that people hate the most; people do not like reading why they suffer. This web page is dedicated to the new born baby’s heath herbal / supplement wise, with the goal of raising a baby that never experiences illness for the rest of their lifetime. Naturally many of the causes for a shortened lifespan is beyond a normal person’s ability to avoid, but all can live better, no mater what the situation. A perfect baby would have 7 family generations leading up to their perfect development in the womb and no such baby today has that foundation. Today’s baby has a fight to survive in a toxic environment where most of the problems are not visible and what people do not see, they ignore—such as man – made frequencies, EMFs, 60,000+ toxicities in water and they will never ever take 1 breath of air that was as clean as it was 150 years ago. They will never understand all the things that do not want them to live or why they are for what is for lunch by endless varieties of parasites.

The new parent to be, “wants” their baby to be well and the first baby is always a learning experience! Most will discover the world is not kind and predators everywhere and the new parents easy victims of the “systems”.

Longevity is not what is “needed’ as much as it is what needs to be “avoided’ and again, that is a gigantic education most all parents will hate and grandparents hate even more- because no parents wants to believe their choice lead to success or failure. To raise a child that never experiences a disease, tooth decay or illness is not that hard; as long as baby was normally developed and traps were avoided. Sadly no one today has an example to compare to when people had generations of healthy parents that lived very very long lives. The Dr. Howard Hay, M.D. book “Health Via Food” gives one professional example back by 1930’s of a group of people that the men at age 250 looked no different than their 22 year old sons; but after 10 years of gov study, the mother’s often died around age 150 (due to having children. These people still exist today and Dr. Morton Walker and his wife visited them in modern day and Data Lab tissue tested them and discovered they had a lead level of “0”. As an example, my lead level from the same test, same lab 30 years ago was “112”. Dr. Walker concluded that these men never die for 1 reason, they have zero inorganic metals in their tissues. According to Dr. Hay, M.D. the people choose to die at age 250 by way of jumping off a cliff. Other books much older, explain areas on earth with people living 500+ years still exist and those people never ever die. Naturally these types live far away from civilizations, some live as high as 20,000 feet above sea level. All their previous generations were poison free and their parents understood longevity and eternal life. Books not required when the parents know and teach all the children. They need no “supplements” to their diet and they have no bad habits. The civilized have shortened lives due to toxicity in many forms and competition from other humans, much of which parents have few to no abilities to self-protect from, unless they moved far far away!

It is this simplistic: Clean with no Deficiencies = Health and the goal always to live long enough to understand God and eternity.


A. Clean is a subject all humans fail at and most fail badly. The first and most simple and cheapest education with the greatest value, biggest bang for the buck; is clean water! Sadly 99% will ignore this simple subject and as a result, the number 1 reason for premature death is consuming dirty water. Water full of contaminants that will accumulate in the organs, tissues, teeth and bones until the body suffocates of constipation! The damage done by dirty water is huge and almost an endless subject and the damage starts after conception. Refer to the “clean water” page of this website. Step 1 each parent to be is to make their own clean water for life and teach all your children to never drink dirty water ever! Failure to make your own clean water for the entire family for life–that kind of refusal; in reality is proof there is no desire for health or longevity for anyone in the family. There is “nothing” that can undo such damage, as long as the person is drinking contaminated water. Certain herbs, actually the most beneficial herbs can help the kidneys and the kidneys can undo much the damage. Bathing in dirty water has it’s problems that 99.9999% will suffer from and eventually explained on the clean water page; those with interest, can avoid most all dirty water contamination. For this purpose, if the parent to be will easily and cheaply make clean water and mom using clean water while pregnant and nursing, her baby is greatly advanced to the normal child.

B. Like water, parasites are not seen and also are ignored. For a general education on parasites, refer to the “parasite page”. In this case The Best Herbal Supplement must address parasites for the lifetime. Baby will have mother’s parasites and humans can be plagued with endless parasites for life. Every breath of air, everything the body has contact with subjects the baby to parasites that are never ending! We live at the bottom of an ocean of air and we are what is for supper! Parasites come in all sizes and the smallest often do the most damage, because they can live inside the nerves, teeth, brain, all. Only the blood can defend against the onslaught of parasites and contaminants. Blood that has no deficiencies in theory would keep the body perfect for eternity and no one has perfect blood or a parasite free body. Parasites poop and pee and their poop and pee have their own parasites and they can be smaller than 1/70,000 in size and mass reproduce at amazing speeds if the blood was to fail to control them.

All herbs that are “good”, should be foods, good for all humans. Baby is created to live on mother’s milk only until age 18 months! This is why the parents to be should cleanse prior to pregnancy and mother be at her “best” possible health prior to each child and all children at least 3 years apart in age.

The dilemma is this- Mother’s Milk is her avenue to “dump” her toxins!

C. Once a woman has a monthly period, her elimination organs uses that opportunity to “dump” the body’s toxins “out” of the body and late in life when that  is no longer a process, her body “struggles” to expel this waste and is commonly known as arthritis. This is well explained in one of the best women’s health books I call The Sitz Bath Book from the mid 1800’s. After conception, Baby is developed from mother’s blood- thus Baby can not be created with “more” than mother has to give. Mother must increase her diet to perfection or her own health suffers as the blood robs her bones and tissues to supply the building material for Baby. If mother experiences poor teeth and health while pregnant those are sure signs she has paid the price as has the Baby and often by age 5 Baby’s teeth have problems as both Mom and Baby have deficiencies. Parasites are a “result” of deficiencies. Once Baby is born, mother’s blood stream resorts back to cleansing the body by way of expelling out her blood. Mother’s blood built Baby and second stage is Mother’s Milk, which is blood minus the red blood cell. Baby needs this milk for the first 18 months of life and mother’s elimination organs will channel “waste” out of the body via the milk stream. Mother’s milk is superior to all other sources of food for Baby’s first 18 months of life! The quality of mother’s milk can make or break Baby’s future.

Dental Health

D. As mentioned above, it takes “Prevention” to ensure children never ever need to see a dentist ever! Mother requires a mineral rich diet and once Baby is consuming foods, they need the organic “usable” mineral rich foods to ensure the teeth develop strong! This is where herbs are magnificent for a dentist – free life. Healthy parents that prepared and learned prevention, in theory, should be capable of raising healthy children that never ever take a commercial vitamin, drug or need to see anyone beyond the aid of their Chiropractor; after birth, for life—-short of severe accidents beyond their capabilities. It was not long ago that humans cared for them selves and mom the family physician.

Natural Iodine Minerals and the Brain

E. They say the brain can be permanently “stunted” by age 5 when the diet lacks Natural “Usable” Iodine. Synthetic / Chemical Iodine has been used for around 150 years. Once added to salt, by 1950 chemical iodine was being blamed for micro penis in boys, that and once chemical iodine enters the cells, it can be found “expelling” out the skin and hair for ever. Organic is usable and that means it is also expelled after use; while inorganic rock-chemical like substances can become trapped in the cells and cause problems for years or even life. Years ago, I wrote a chapter on this subject; I will find that and insert the pdf at this point. Note that I wrote this years ago.

Iodine Book 4


Bone Strength


Proper Development / Puberty Age x


Stunted verses Mature





Much more to come in 2024

This is a long and never ending subject that will grow for a lifetime!

Advanced “Adults” Only

Top Shelf

Extremely “Rare” Herbal Blend

Chaga Mushroom Tincture

Raw Honey / 20+ Year “Aged” Fruit Vinegar

Freeze Dried Royal Jelly

27 Year Old Wild Ginseng Rt. Tincture

Natural Vitamin “C” Herbal Formula

20+ Year Old Virginia Snake Rt. Tincture (Obsolete “Rare” Herb)

Lobelia Seed Tincture

Q 10

Ancient Ocean Minerals

Cold Extracted Essential Oils of Clove, Cinnamon & Wild Oregano

Easy to use squirt / glass bottle