The School of “Self-Applied” Prevention
READ the Burn Page (Booklet and Apply)
The BF&C Method, Sprays and Salves is amazing!
Done correctly- Scar Free!
1. No matter how much damage there is- Cover it in Stop Bleed Powder!
Stop Bleed Powder packed in a wound should instantly stop the bleeding, unless an artery has been cut, cut arteries seek emergency aid! Once sewed up, then No Bleed Capsules can be taken if needed for internal bleeding.(Also miraculous for nose bleeds).
2. Wrap properly with sea weed, then Wound and Burn Salve which has no spices and for burns of all types. Note: If your dealing with a Burn, read the Burn booklet and normally Stop Bleed is not required!
3. Take BF&C Bulk Powder in a stir / shaker cup with Juice of choice. Normal adult dosage for broken bones is 60 capsules daily or as many as it takes to remain pain free. BF&C herbal blend is a calcium / plant mineral rich formula ( Bone Flesh and Cartilage ). Used for all damage and pain. I normally take 1 large spoon per dose, as many as desired every day. Otherwise I take a large teaspoon every day of life in the Basics Formula. Herbs are foods!
4. Change wrap every day! Once damage is sealed up, not leaking, if desired, stop Wound and Burn Salve and Start Salve “C”, Salve “C” works for all and often elderly people years later will desire much stronger than “C”, but “C” works great for all damages and Sports related damages.
Damage where entire muscles, tendons, nerves, vessels were all torn from the bone should grow back when properly taken care of- all literally crawls over the bones and recreates until restored. New skin eventually covers all that was torn off the body. It takes time! Explained in the Burn booklet. Naturally all poisons and future damages to the area stops this natural healing. When more than herbs are desired for cut nerves, broken bones.
There is no “good” reason for a scar or failure to heal!
The Human Subconscious is God’s Creation that humans call their “Body”.
The Subconscious travels as the speed of light! What people through – out history have called “Miracles” is God’s (subconscious) healing that can occur in seconds or over time- depending on the faith of each person. Dr. Robt. Jackson, M.D. last book 1928 explained in detail how all healing, regardless medical, herbal or otherwise is the subconscious or what 1/2 the world population calls God. Jesus and all great Prophets always beseeches God to heal a person or animal, etc. They always said God your creator healed you! They always said they and no human has or ever will be capable of creating even a fly. Only God creates and wit cuts, damages and all healing, new cells must dissolve the damaged and replace until the body is 100% repaired. Dr. Jackson proved that byb saying; God is Good, God is Always Good! Is the foundation of all healing and restoration, including taking an old worn out body and turning into a superman. (Dr. Jackson built the Roman Meal Bread Company that still exist today). Oxford / Harvard Professors prior to Dr. Jackson proved that just saying the word GOD has more powerful frequencies than any other word in all languages known. Dr. Jackson learned how to use the human “conscious” to talk to the “subconscious” often every day to “Influence” God’s creation. Creation that trillions of cells that can travel at the speed of light, constantly are being replaced, with new cells that should be 100% perfect! When the human believes God is “Perfect” and all God does should be perfect, then the human body should be no less than “Perfect”!
Dr. Jackson learned to stop consuming poison and after 1 year, with no other efforts, had a new body. New bones, new flesh and 100% believed humans are less than perfect only because they put poisons in their body and poisons result is poor cells. Obeying Nature cures, disobeying Nature destroys.
Humans are Hydrogen / Oxygen Burners in a Magnetic / Electric Body!
You loose your electric, you waste away and die!
This is almost always ignored by people and as a result, even with good diets, they still die like the rest!
This is why this website starts with clean WATER— you remove those 60,000 contaminants from the water that makes up 60% of your body! Then you learn about your air and that is a much more scary subject that most can not handle, but the subconscious has the ability to self-protect the human body, especially with the aid of the Burning Bush (Wild Oregano Oil). Read the Miracle of Wild Oregano Oil!!
Learn about magnetism / electric and oxygen/magnetic water!
Learn daytime and nighttime charging of the human body!
Read Burn Book for proper wound wrap!
Instead of Burdock or grape leaves, use store purchased Ocean Seaweed Squares sold in packages for Asian Rice – Meat Wraps.
Mailbox Accident!
This little girl “slipped” on gravel while at her mail box. She slid in front a car tire and was dragged!
The pinned her leg bones together, her muscles , tendons, arteries, veins and skin were all gone! Down to the bone!
This picture is after the muscles, arteries, veins, tendons, nerves crawled back and once all connected, the skin started coming in from all sides and the pins were removed. The girl by the time of this picture was able to change her own bandaging.
more to come 2024