The School of “Self-Applied” Prevention
Educational Purposes Only!
Free – Thinking Adults Only!
“Self-Experimental” Use Only!
All Essential Oils
must be properly handled!
Always Kept Far Away
from Children!
Essential Oil of
CO2 processing which is better
in fragrance, because of
its low temperature extraction.
Cold Processed Essential Oil of Frankincense
Cost more Money to Make!
Assay: 99%
The Best of The Best (Just My Opinion)
Relative Density: 0.855 -0.900 g/ml
Refraction: 1.465 – 1.483
Solubility: Soluble in 90% ethanol
Co2 Cold Processing
Pure Frankincense Oil
Can be used: Pure,
Diluted with Olive Oil etc.
As a Spray On
As a Salve etc.
Use Pure in Room Purification
Diffusers or Water Machines!
Most all Internet info / products
will be about the cheaper-made
Steam Distilled (Hot Processed) Frankincense Oils
All Information below is from the Internet!
From Newspaper
Frankincense Fights Inflammation
Frankincense is a life-saving treatment that gets to the root cause of almost every chronic disease of our times – inflammation.
Inflammation is your body’s attempt to heal itself. But too much causes disease. In fact, most of the chronic ailments associated with aging are essentially inflammatory diseases. That includes cancer, heart disease, arthritis, arteriosclerosis, Alzheimer’s and diabetes.
Inflammation is so closely linked to these age-related diseases that it is commonly called “inflamm-aging.”
It describes what happens to all of us as we get older. Every time inflammation turns on, your genes produce molecules known as cytokines. Cytokines are used by your immune system cells to signal each other about threats. They order white blood cells to the scene.
When you’re young, cytokines only increase when there’s an infection or injury. But over a lifetime, your body accumulates so many you’re almost drowning in them.
These cytokines cause cellular damage which causes more inflammation. It’s a cycle that keeps repeating itself.
Eventually, you start to develop unmistakable signs of aging. Those high levels of cytokines are linked to frailty and loss of muscle mass as well as Alzheimer’s disease.
They’re also directly linked to fatal heart attacks. In one study, high concentrations of cytokines in the bloodstream were the strongest predictor of death.And for many years, it has been known that cancer is linked to long-term inflammation. For instance, inflammation has been shown to be a critical key to the development of breast cancer.
But new research shows the boswellic acids in frankincense battles inflammation. In one study, 52 rugby players had acute inflammation. They were given either a placebo or frankincense. After four weeks those taking Boswellia had a significant reduction in inflammation.5
Boswellia works in many different ways.
It contains enzymes that block PGe2. This hormone-like chemical is produced in response to an injury. It makes blood vessels dilate and expand. This causes the injured area to become swollen and painful. By attacking PGe2, frankincense stops inflammation before it starts.
Boswellic acids in frankincense are also potent inhibitors of 5-lipoxygenase (5-LOX). This is an enzyme responsible for inflammation. Knocking out 5-LOX enzymes helps prevent inflammation and pain.
The are Many Utubes on the Internet!
(Many made to promote various brands)
I Like this Video “Best”!
Video Story!
Click above to Watch Her Method!
5 examples
of many videos on line!