
The School of “Self-Applied” Prevention

An Ounce of Prevention

is Worth more than a Pound of Cure!

The Dr. Hay, M.D. first book, Health Via Food had the goal of each reader to become their own Physician. In this 1930’s book he explains that the english army had spent 11 years studying a “group” of men that never die a normal death and they jump off a cliff at age 250. That and they look as young as their 22 year old children. The key word is “group” or “all”. When people are “family”, when 1 learns, they teach the entire family. If there was no corruption and all acted as a “family” there would never be an excuse for sickness. The entire world understands people prematurely suffer and die as a result of their and their family actions that are deficient for longevity. Once ill and seeking aid from “endless” strangers that may have ill intentions, never ends well and develops a predatory world driven by competition for space and foods. The more ignorant and obedient – slave like the none family victims become, the stronger the false teachers become.

As a result of a none family life and false trust in consumption of a lifetime of poisons, virtually “all” eventually regrets their fight against Nature, because Nature is justice to all species, including the human specie. Pains are a creation of the brain and infections and all the traps are set – waiting on all to follow the sheep for pain management. Few civilized humans will “escape” the consumption of pain drugs and operations to remove what has rotted. It is amazing how badly the human body can decay in the last months. Most every human lives long enough to see a relative or friend literally “waste” away to nothing before they die. The examples are literally “endless”!

One lady at the Dr. Hulda Clark Kentucky seminar took pictures for herself and explained her story, as an “example” for others to learn.Her story is “unique” in that she avoided medical and she suffered a common problem for women; breast cancer. Her story is 1 of billions that end badly as Nature is just to all species. Keeping in mind most wild species only become sick 1 time as predators consume the sickly.

Breast Cancer 15 years

No drugs / medical intervention

Cancers that can come up and “out” and do not destroy a vital organ can last a very long time! 15 years with no medical aid is an “example” and often, people will say that drugs / treatments will kill the cancer victim before the cancer has a chance. Notably Dr. Howard Hay, M.D. after he “learned” about proper diet and alkalinity and opened up his Sun Rise Clinic and helped 63,000 patients in a 14 day method that ends up with 5x more red blood cells – he wrote that he was one of America’s best surgeons, but once he learned, he put down his knife and never operated again and said he could have operated on those with large masses of cancers, but was successful with out the use of surgery on his last 63,000 patients.

This lady went to Dr. Hulda Clark years before the Kentucky 2 day seminar and was told that she must pull her teeth first and she refused, so Dr. Clark refused to waste her time. Every Dr. Clark book has 50 pages of why toxic teeth come out first and then Dr. Clark would help. This lady refused to loose her teeth and instead allowed her last 17 years of life to experience breast cancer. Shortly after she had these pictures taken, she did finally decide to go to one of Dr. Clark’s American dentist and as Clark had told her many years earlier, her jaw was loaded with cancer and puss and infection oozed out of her gums. She said she felt much better after her teeth were removed, but she felt she had waited way too long and as proof of her pictures, she only did what she wanted to do and fell short of saving her life. Her story is proof that her breast cancer did not kill her for 17 years with no treatments. 99.99% of people would never allow this to happen in America due to the fact gov medical aid will pay for general hospital treatments.

Dr. Clark wrote many books, 2 of which were The Cure for Cancers and The Cure for Advanced Cancers and there are literally hundreds if not thousands of books written about the C Disease. Many of the great books were written by 1920’s-30’s. By 1950 they say there was over 1,000 cancer cures; all “diet correction” cures.

Prevention obeys Nature, pretty much that simple!

Prevention is worth its weight in gold and treatments takes all your gold!

To have a healthy baby is the result of wise parents and to have a baby that grows up and never ever sees a nurse, a dentist or dr, never experiences a disease and does great in school and life—-is worth more than all the gold!

True health is not known by average people today, they have nothing to “judge” true health! There are no true examples today. People have no idea how well they could experience. They say to develop a perfect health human, it takes 7 generations of no poisons, no fighting Nature! 7 generations of poison free families working to develop a true human baby as Nature wants. The odds of a boy and a girl from 2 different families and those 2 children never poisoned, never experienced an illness and creating the second generation of disease – free living……..would be astronomical impossible odds! The sad part is the fact that wealthy people that could “enable” a clean life……………their $$ almost always buys them more stranger aid and advanced drug treatments. Great doctors suggested 200 years ago that there were no examples of true human health in society. Only in very “rare” groups where people did not work and lived free in nature. Where it never gets colder than 60 degrees and ample free sweet tree fruits. The more civilized the more the fight against Nature.

The men that never die, were tested by Dr. Morton Walker 60 years later and he proved they had zero heavy metals, “0” on the data labs lead test and he said their 100% God provided diet was metal / rock free diet and having no lead surely was the reason the men never die a natural death. That same data lab test, I tested 112x more than normal for lead- thanks to dental work.


This is why Dr. John R. Christopher, America’s only herbal Dr. in world war 1, said that if you want the truth, ask any Gorilla.

Only a wild animal that lives by God’s Grace will give correct advice for longevity!

The French Cure starting late 1890’s

30 days later

The Dr. Kept pictures of his patients, some up to 30 years as proof of his cure!

He was world famous for saving babies that looked as bad as this.

When he died world leaders came to pay respect and then destroyed his clinic and history!

Most of his cures took 30 days of  ocean “water”.

He proved people starve to death! Sickness and Death is a result of a “deficiency”

“MY” Daily Prevention

My Daily Prevention has been 30+ years of daily learning and “All” is subject to change!

For example, 10 years ago I was thinking there was very little more to learn and today? Today I have learned more in the past 2 years than I had learned in the previous 30 years. Why? ideally “everything” comes at the proper time; step by step! All the great books should be read twice, but life is so short and there is so much to self-explore that it is hard to read a book twice. If you are lucky, the truly great books you will be lead back to reading a second time, because “every” good book you will always learn more by reading twice. When it comes to herbs and herbal books, it is an endless adventure and many authors past 1950 can not be trusted to tell the truth. It is best when the herbal information dates back 100+ years. Even then, each herb needs to just be a food and never ever use a toxic herb.

Each person should discover their own preferred methods for consumption.

When making powders, tinctures, syrups, essential oils, books are a starting place, but everything can always be done “Better” and each person discover what works best for them. The health of the digestion and assimilation organs will determine how well the blood systems can make use of the herbs. Extracts of each type will be used “differently. Stronger is not always “Better”.

Most every herb can be made as a tincture, a syrup / tincture, powder, capsules and some as essential oils. The combinations would be “endless”!

Herbal Drs and Herbal Companies survive by selling small capsules.

Capsules are ok when made properly, but today, the only herbal formula I would take in capsule form is LBB

(Lower Bowel Balance) which must be taken as capsules only! Otherwise I drink all my powdered herbs.



X 39  at least 6 days every week, 12 hrs daily

Aeon, Daily if any pain is felt anywhere in the body!

12 hrs daily, 3 patches when needed!

1 night time patch every night


Top Shelf

Natural “C” / Wild Chaga / Freeze Dried Royal Jelly

1 teaspoon each blended with juice

Better Yet!!!


Longevity “Basics”

Royal Jelly (Freeze Dried)

Wild Chaga Mushroom

Vitamin “C” Rich Fruits / Herbs

B F & C (Bone Flesh & Cartilage)


Ancient Ocean / Earth Minerals

Cold Processed:

Wild Oregano


Cinnamon Oils!

Longevity “Basics” is my preferred “blend” of herbal foods that have the greatest books written about their “Daily” use. Blended in juice after waking, normally would be 3 full teaspoons. This can be repeated through – out the day / or different “powders”  based on the goals of each day and will eventually all be “covered” in time.


I make endless “Specialty” liquid formulas!

From mild to the most “Extreme”!

These often can be taken anytime of the day; just depends on the goal desired.

Extremely “Rare” and Extremely “Advanced”

The “First” Top Shelf Formula

Extremely “Rare”!!!

1 Trigger = 1/2 teaspoon dosage

Take multiple x daily!


LBB (Lower Bowel Balance)

9 Capsules every day while Juice Fasting!

4 Capsules per dosage is what I like best, time of day depends on the goal.

LBB Capsules are a Must Have for Daily Life!


Anytime Day or Night!

Cold Processed / Mountain Harvested

Wild Oregano Oil

Properly Diluted!

If I had to make a choice between LBB or Wild Oregano Oil as the only herb I could have, It would have to be Wild Oregano Oil.

The True “Burning” Bush of Ancient Times!

I take 5 squirts per dosage, as needed “based” on the daily goal.

My dogs take Wild Oregano Daily!



All humans that sleep at night, their body is “fasting” and for most, this is the only rest the stomach gets. The word “breakfast” means: breaking the “fast”! If a human must have something for breakfast, it should be “sweet” fruits / juices or steam, distilled water to aid in the cleansing of the stomach. Otherwise the human body that obeys Nature would eat once a day and only eat foods that are in season, which are of correct color. (Lots of books and another page of this website will explain Nature’s True Human Diet.) In America it was Dr. Robert Jackson, M.D. that created the “Hot” cereal breakfast. Dr. Jackson was near dead when he tried his friend’s (Dr. Howard Hay, M.D.) Orange Juice Fasting Cure – for- All. It worked so well, he extended the “Fast” for 21 days total and discovered he had a brand new heart that saved his life.

This website was created 25 years ago based on Dr. Howard Hay, M.D. famous Cure using Oranges!

The Hay Way will be well explained elsewhere in this website, otherwise the best “breakfast” or anytime food is a creation of Dr. Robert Jackson, M.D. that built the Roman Meal Bread Company in the 1920’s and in his many great health books, he explains how he stopped harming his body via “wrong” diet for “1” year and his body ‘self-repaired” so strongly that he started “exercising” and wrote the greatest books on correct exercise and turned his old body into a super body!

Dr. Jackson, M.D, wrote the greatest health books and his last book in 1928 he explained his methods and stated that he was at his absolute best ever health and believed he had grown young and extremely strong! He wrote that he was looking forward to writing “advanced” books explaining the “Miracles” of the human body! Luckily his last book he explained “Cure” by way of God’s Perfection: His favorite words were: God is Good, God is Always Good! Sadly after his last book in 1928, he had an accident that broke bones and did not survive the hospital treatment. Sadly Dr. Cass Ingram after writing 30+ of the greatest health /  herbal books, fell down a set of stairs and broke his neck and died. Luckily some of these great drs. / authors wrote books before they passed on. Dr. Jackson understood how the human body / mind functions and truly believed as a result he would become healthier and stronger the longer he lived.

Dr. Howard Hay, M.D. was the most respected Surgeon in America and his first Little Book wrote that The English Army had been studying people that at age 250, still looked as young and healthy as their young children. These Drs discovered the True Cure: Diet Correction! They did not use herbs, they used Sweet Fruits and methods to permit the body to cleanse. Dr. Hay wrote his Little Book with the goal of making all humans their own physicians.

This is The Dr. Robert Jackson, M.D. Hot – Breakfast, made “My – Way”

“If” I eat a Break – Fast, I eat The Jackson Method!

Simple Foods

Dr. Jackson wrote that he chose to live on his Hot Grain Cereal for “1” year, along with some fresh fruits and fresh cow milk and no other foods! He considered that his blend of grains had all the nutrition the human body required and by not harming his body by making bad diet choices, his very old and near dead body was restored, with no other efforts. He proved that bad choices made by his “conscious” mind had harmed his body his entire lifetime. Simply put, anyone can make up their own version of none harmful grains and seeds and do it their way and live on Simple Foods! Never killing an animal or living creature; the plants that produce grains / seeds naturally die on their own life cycle! I have not tried living “1” year or tried eating only Hot Cereal Diet, but Dr. Jackson proved he learned how to turn an old near dead body into a superman! It would be the “Cheapest” diet on the planet!

Made my way, the Hot Cereal, with Raw Honey and Sorghum Molasses taste Great!

Grains & Seeds are Herbs, the same as all Fruits are Herbs!




1-3 x daily

A Shaker Cup / Blender Cup makes taking herbs: Simple!

Longevity “Basics” is my daily choice and then there are many other herbal powders as options!

Liquid Herbal and Oil Formulas can be taken by dropper, spoon or blended in with powdered herbs!

The human stomach is a blood cleansing organ, it should have no food in it at least 18 hours every day! When eating fresh sweet fruits,properly chewed, the stomach will be clean in just minutes after eating a full meal. When eating cooked foods, meats, cheese the stomach may have food in it for 8+ hours and eating 3+ times daily the stomach is never given a break. Every great medical / herbal / spiritual book looks at corrective diet as the cure for human health. Dr. Cass Ingram books are the acceptation, he believed in healthy raised meats, eggs and dairy; but agreed that it is hard to purchase commercially raised animal foods that are not toxic. Dr. Howard Hay, M.D. & His close friend, Dr. Robert Jackson M.D. were proven successful with the Sweet Fruit “Orange” Juice Cure – All and then corrective diet. Dr. Jackson, M.D. just self-explored much more than just diet.

His one must eat “Lunch”, make it sweet fruits and a lesser option would be raw vegetables. Dr. Cass Ingram liked eggs, if you raise your own healthy chickens. Hay and Jackson believed in the Natural Human Diet of eating once a day, after your work is done, what Dr. Jackson called the Roman Soldier Diet and why he called his company The Roman Meal Company. He followed the Roman Soldier diet of eating grains and seeds once a day. Jackson himself became famous for carrying his food (grains) in a small bag.


Evening Meal

The human stomach is created to process “1” food at a time; in nature that would be a sweet fruit, berry, nut, grain / seed.

The stomach cells change from acid producing to neutral by age 18 months of age. From mom’s milk to sweet fruits and berries / seeds. When animal milk, animal foods are started, the child’s stomach cells are forced to continue making acids, but by age 50, they say an adult has 50,000x less stomach acid than they did as babies. As a result, all the wrong foods, end in a belly ache. Taking acids are the opposite solution, the stomach and the entire body wants to stay pH 7, because anything less or more than pH 7, burns the cells.

The stomach/small intestine burns, etc. to be ciontinued




Soon will show the “Other” powders taken this method!

Much much more coming in 2024